Friday Thoughts January 19 2018

Posted on Jan 19, 2018

Dear Falcon Families,

This is an important week at St. John Fisher. Tomorrow is “”Pack the House” Day for all or our volleyball teams.  Fans can stop in at any time and catch some exciting volleyball action.  

It is an especially exciting week for our second graders who will celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time on Wednesday night.  They have prepared well and are ready to take this important step in their faith development.  It is always one of my favorite nights of the year because although many say they are “nervous” I see such sincerity and trust as they share their list of “faults” with the priest.   They are so confident in their second grade hearts that they are really talking things over with a God of limitless love who surely understands why they are mean to their siblings or get mad at Mom when they do not want to go to bed.  Each year they remind me that ours is a God who wants nothing more from us than to do our best.   What a privilege it is to share this night with these would be future saints. 

On Wednesday we are hosting a workshop called Own It Chicago.   Geared for students in grades 6, 7, and 8, the program is provided by high school counselors and addresses how students learn best, time management, establishing priorities, and other skills essential to becoming a more successful student.   Friends who attended the program at St. Barnabas gave it rave reviews.   We still have a few openings if you are interested.  (The time is from 3:30-6:00).

Our eighth graders head for the slopes on Thursday for the annual ski trip.  This is always one of the highlights of the year for the graduates.  

You can now order Special Lunch for February through May by clicking here.  Orders are due on Friday, February 26th.  If you have questions about Special Lunch, please email

Next Sunday we launch Catholic Schools week and welcome all for  our family mass at 10:00.    Families new to the school who are thinking about pre-school or kindergarten are welcome to come for a pre-school visit at 9:00.   An Open House for all follows the Mass.  Please try to make this event a family priority.

Because of the popularity of the early childhood programs at school, we want to be sure families who currently have children in school have program priority when registering.   Registration materials are now available on the school website and should be returned before next Friday to ensure a place in one of next year’s classes.  After Sunday, we will have open registration for all.   If you have any questions, please email me or one of the pre-school teachers.  We do our best not to disappoint anyone who wants to come to SJF, but work with limited space, so early registration is important.  If you have neighbors or friends with children ready for school, please alert them to this registration information and encourage them to come for Open House. 

Catholic Schools Week will be filled with some great activities.  Look for a full schedule next week.

Don’t forget about your monthly tuition bill.  With the pile of Christmas bills you may have overlooked this one but we appreciate your timely attention to being current with your tuition payments.

Today was career day in the full time preschool rooms.   Police officers, firefighters, pilots, a multitude of princesses, medical professionals, and even future Ms. Katies and Mrs. Furlongs affirm that the world will be in good hands in the next twenty years of so.

We continue to lysolize every night and our St. Xavier nursing students have provided “in-services” for each grade about the importance of washing their hands often.  Thanks for your part in helping keep everyone healthy. 

Don’t forget that MANNA is a program not just for Christmas.   Several families became new subscribers over the holidays and are seeing the beginning of significant rebates for the August book day bills.   It is never too late to join and save.

Lastly, the February menu is now available for lunch orders.  Please remember, if you order a lunch, there is no need to select the “milk only” option.  Milk is included with the lunch order.

Have a great weekend.