Friday Thoughts March 23 2018

Posted on Mar 23, 2018

Dear Falcon Families,

Although I have yet to see the first robin of the season and the kids are still wearing parkas to school, Spring will soon be here and with it a mild epidemic of Spring fever.   It is so hard to believe that we are well into the final trimester of the school year.   There is much to be done in the days and months ahead.

Many thanks to all who organized the Celtic Supper last Saturday.   Although I had to miss it because my religious congregation was celebrating St. Joseph’s Day, rumor has it that it was a great celebration with delicious food and great Irish entertainment.   I think we have a new tradition in the parish.

April Lunch selections are available for ordering at

The Healy family won the Blackhawks flash raffle.  Perhaps their presence at the game will be the karma the team needs to start next season more successfully than they end this one.

Don’t forget that tomorrow is pick up day for the food pantries.   You should have received a shopping bag on your porch last Saturday.   Caravans of volunteers will be around the parish tomorrow to pick up the bags, bring them to the rectory, and sort the contents for immediate delivery to local food pantries.   The volunteers are always looking for extra hands, so if you have a few minutes, I encourage you to stop by.  The spirit of the day is always remarkable. 

On Sunday, many of you will be coming to our Easter crafts event after the 10:00 Mass.  Unfortunately because of supply and food pre-orders, we will not be able to take walk ins at the door.  

Next week is short with dismissal for the Spring Break at 2:25 on Wednesday.  Note, this is not the usual pre-holiday half day dismissal.  We will have a prayer service on Wednesday afternoon at 1:15.   All are welcome as we commemorate the events of the three holiest days of year, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday.  Our eighth graders will host the prayer service.

Please consider coming to the Holy Week services.   The Holy Thursday Mass is at 7:00 p.m.  Good Friday services are at 3:00.  Easter baskets will be blessed on Saturday at 1:00 in the courtyard at school.  Holy Saturday services are at 7:00 p.m.   Each liturgy is rich with meaning and symbolism and deepens the sacredness of these days.   I know the students have been talking about Holy Week in all of the religion classes, so it would be great if they could experience the liturgies that mark these days.

We have a tradition at SJF that at the Easter Sunday morning Masses, children are part of the opening procession and bring wrapped candy to put in baskets at the front of the Church.  We send the candy to local shelters which are always so grateful to have it to pack for a treat for their clients.  Children will be invited to come to the back of Church before Mass begins to join the procession.  (A holy Easter Parade!)

Have a wonderful Easter and enjoyable Spring break.