February 21, 2020

Posted on Feb 21, 2020

Dear SJF Families,

Thank you so much for your generosity and support of the Chicago Police Memorial’s Get Behind the Vest Program!  This Sunday is Alderman Matt O’Shea’s Pancake Breakfast in Kane Hall from 8-12. All proceeds from the breakfast will go directly to the Get Behind the Vest Program. St. John Fisher is home to 130 children of Chicago Police Officers and we are incredibly proud of these men and women and all of the first-responders in our school community who selflessly put their lives on the line each and every day.  Thank you for your unbelievable service to our community and our city and for being awesome role models for all of us to strive to emulate.

Please join us as we cheer on our Falcon Volleyball and Basketball Teams this weekend as they begin their play-off competitions. May they have fun, compete with sportsmanship and class and represent our school well! Thank you to all of the parents who have volunteered countless hours during the season coordinating, coaching, working the door and concession stands, cheering on our teams and driving our athletes to and from games.  Our athletic programs would not be successful without all of you!

This week our 2nd graders made their First Reconciliation. Thank you to Fr. Ken, Fr. Dan and our visiting priests, Fr. Jim Mezydlo and Fr. Matt Compton, along with Dr. Chermak, Mrs. Ade, Mrs. Briseno, Mrs. Connolly and Mrs. Kellam who guided and helped our students prepare for and make this important sacrament.       

As always, thank you for your continued support of Catholic education, but specifically St. John Fisher School.

In unity and hope,

-Mrs. Maura Nash