4th Grader Franki Nendza

Posted on Mar 02, 2021

Our school theme is “Fly Like a Falcon.” At school, we are intentionally discussing what it means to be a falcon. We are encouraging our school community to “soar above” things that might bring us down, not allowing us to be our best selves. We are on a school-wide crusade to “Fly Like Falcons,” lifting one another up, celebrating the positive interactions and kind behavior that our students and staff demonstrate each and every day. Franki’s teachers overwhelmingly nominated her to be the Falcon of the Week. Franki has consistenly been a positive force and bright spot in her class this year, not only among her teachers, but also among her peers. Franki possesses wonderful qualities. She is kind, thoughtful, gentle, funny and humble. Franki quietly helps others. She is very intuitive and often can tell when one of her friends or classmates is sad. She makes every effort to lift the spirits of those around her and tries to contribute to making her classmates happy and her classroom a fun and welcoming place to be. Because of COVID, there are a lot of “extras” that our teachers have to do this year including more frequent disinfecting of desks, tables, etc. Franki is always offering to assist her teachers with this task among many others to help lighten their load. Franki is a kind soul whose goal in life is to make those around her feel happy and loved. Thank you, Franki, for reminding us what life is all about. Keep flying like a Falcon, you are making a difference!