January 14, 2022

Posted on Jan 14, 2022

Dear SJF Families,

Today we are officially half way through the 2nd trimester and our kids have grown so much. We have made our way back into the routine of things following our long and much-needed Christmas break and we are ready to tackle the second half of the year! Resilient, intelligent, kind and funny are just some of the words that immediately come to mind when I think about our Falcon student-body. We have set our sights high for 2022. I can’t wait to see what all our kids will accomplish this year! 

Thank you for entrusting your children to us each day. We are grateful for you and for the privilege of in-person learning. Thank you for choosing Catholic education, but specifically St. John Fisher School. Enjoy the three-day weekend!

In unity and hope,

Mrs. Maura Nash