January 27, 2023

Posted on Jan 27, 2023

Dear SJF Families,

The building is buzzing with excitement for this weekend’s Open House and Family Mass. We are elated to have this school family experience back in full swing and cannot wait for you to tour your child(ren)’s classroom(s) and halls and catch up with friends, faculty and staff! Don't forget to take a peak at our fun bridge display showcasing our Family School Spirit Banners! If you need directions or guidance, feel free to ask any one of our student leaders in uniform on Sunday. Dr. Chermak has also planned a beautiful Mass to add to our Catholic Schools Week Celebration! We can't wait to welcome each of you on Sunday!

Our Falcons concluded their iReady diagnostic testing this week. The faculty is going to begin their data analysis next week. Our assessment scores look great so far! So many of our Falcons showed growth. We will be sharing more iReady information and reports in February and will be inviting you in to have a data chat with us during our next round of Parent Teacher Conferences.

Thank you for choosing St. John Fisher School and for entrusting your most precious gifts to us each and every day. PEACE LOVE SJF.

-Mrs. Maura Nash

In unity and hope,