Week of October 24th - 28th

Posted on Oct 24, 2016


I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

In Reading this week, we will be continuing to focus on our novel: Secrets of Bearhaven as well as begin to focus on our second story in Unit 2: Big City Dream. Our skill that we will be focusing on this week is: Cause and Effect. *Students will have their Reading test on Friday, October 28th.* Students should study their vocabulary, notes and comprehension questions for the test on Friday. We will also be practicing SLAM this week.

*A variety of different book reports will be assigned throughout the school year in Reading. Students were assigned their second book report. Students also received their October Book Report forms with the format. For this second “October Book Report,” students may choose a mystery book of their choice. *The October Book Report will be due by this Tuesday, October 25th.* Students are encouraged to turn in their book reports early, before the scheduled due date, if they are ready to be turned in.

*Also, students will be required to read and take quizzes on 8 books per trimester for Accelerated Reading. At least 1 of the 8 total books for the trimester needs to be a nonfiction book. There will also be due dates within the trimester for how many books should be read and AR quizzes taken.

4th Grade – Accelerated Reader – Due Dates for the 1st Trimester:

2 books and AR quizzes were due by Thursday, September 15th.

2 more books were due (total of 4 books all together) and AR quizzes by this past Friday, September 30th.

2 more books were due (total of 6 books all together) and AR quizzes by Friday, October 14th.

*2 more books are due (total of 8 books all together) – All 8 books and AR quizzes for the trimester are due by next Friday, November 4th.*

Happy Reading! :)

In Social Studies last week, we finished up our study of the Earth and Map Skills. This week, we will begin focusing on our first lesson of Unit 1 in our textbook. We will also be practicing locating events on a timeline and using concepts related to reading a timeline.

In Spelling this week, we will begin with our Unit 9 spelling words. We will have our ninth spelling test this Friday, October 28th on Unit 9.


  • UNICEF baggies for donations are due back by Friday, October 28th.
  • Also, Friday Folders will go home this week. Please look over the contents of the folder and discuss your child's progress with him/her. You may keep the quizzes/tests that are in the folder. Also, the Friday Folder should be signed and returned on Monday.

Hope you have a fantastic week!