7th & 8th Grade Religion-Week of April 1st

Posted on Apr 01, 2019

Aspire testing begins on Tuesday of this week.  Please make sure students are well rested and have eaten a good breakfast before arriving to school.

***7th Grade Religion***

On Tuesday of this week, we will be taking our test on Buddhism & Hinduism.  In order to prepare for this test, students should review their viewers guides, comprehension questions, and flashcards.  We will then begin with Judaism on Wednesday.

***All students should continue to work on their FIVE hours of required service for this third trimester.


***8th Grade Religion***

This week we will be discussing the stations of the cross and will be looking at each station introspectively, discussing how we can relate to each of the situations presented and the feelings of Jesus and the bystanders at each station. 

The second period afternoon religion class will be celebrating "mass in the class" on Friday with Father Ken.  The students will act out the readings, make up the intercessions, and choose the music for their mass.  This is truly one of my favorite classroom activities of the year!

***All students should continue to work on their EIGHT hours of required service for this third trimester.