7th & 8th Grade Religion-Week of March 18th

Posted on Mar 18, 2019

On Wednesday of this week, the 7th and 8th grade will be attending reconciliation services as we continue on in our Lenten journey.

***7th Grade Religion*** 

This week we will be continuing on with our study of Hinduism.  We will be discussing the different ceremonies, celebrations, and customs of the Hindu religion. The test on Hinduism is scheduled for next week, Tuesday, March 26th.

***All students should be working on their FIVE hours of required service for this third trimester.

***8th Grade Religion***

This week we will be covering chapter 9 in our Morality book.  We will be discussing the Catholic Church's teachings on topics such as premarital sex, homosexuality, and birth control. 

***All students should be working on their EIGHT hours of required service for this third trimester.