Week 3 Assignments

Posted on Mar 29, 2020

4th Grade Week 3 Assignments


As mentioned in Mrs. Nash's message last week, we will be providing a “schedule” of assignments to be done throughout Week 3 to help pace the work being assigned.  Instead of listing all the work to be done in each subject for the whole week, we have divided the subjects onto different days. Also starting this week, work will be a combination of paper and pencil and digital assignments. Students should sign-in to Google Classroom whenever necessary to complete any assignments or questions that are posted there.  Obviously feel free to move through the assignments in a way that works best for you and your child. Please reach out if you have any questions!  We are here to help! 



Math-In Google classroom, watch the video on equivalent fractions and then do page 335 in your ch.6 book.  If you can, download and print the fractions strips worksheet also found in google classroom. This just helps you to see fractions,  

-Complete SS 21


Science-Log-in to your Google Classroom account to complete the assignment:  

1. Watch the short video on different types of energy.  

2. Go through the slideshow on types of energy.

3. While going through slideshow, fill in the blanks on your Forms of Energy Note Sheet (included in materials dropped off to you-it will be the first page clipped with all your science information)

4.  You can share an example of energy transformation with us on Seesaw or Google Classroom!


Social Studies-Use each of the 5 Vocabulary Words (found on page 84 of your hardcover book – Lesson 3 of Unit 2) in a sentence (that you make up) and write these sentences in the Social Studies section of your Notebook.

· Study your Northeast Region Map

· Practice your NE Region States and Capitals using your blank Northeast Region Map

· Make your Northeast Region State and Capital Flashcards (*Remember to cut them out along the dotted lines into strips first. Then, fold each strip of paper on the solid lines to make your flashcards. Finally, separate your flashcards into 2 separate sets: the State Flashcards and the Capital Flashcards.)



ELA- 1.Rewrite each of these sentences correctly:

  1. winnie and penelope are the cutest dogs ever i love them alot?

  2. winnie and penelope eight all there food in one gulp


2. Log-in to Google Classroom to complete your Language Review assignment.

3.. Read and complete pgs. 192 and 193 in your Grammar Book.  When you have completed the pages, if you would like to check your answers you can click on the video link posted in Google Classroom!


Vocabulary--1. Start Unit 12 by reading the article “Extreme Forces of Nature” on pages 118 and 119.  *Don’t forget to read any captions and sidebars of information. **Try to predict the meanings of your new words by using context clues and your background knowledge.

2. Then complete the dictionary definition pages 120 and 121. Fill your vocabulary words into the example sentences.


Reading-Read the passage titled Deep-Sea Search (this passage can be found in your ReadWorks article packet) and answer the questions that go along with the Deep-Sea Search article in your packet (#s 1-8 and 1-5)


Spelling-Complete pgs 190 & 191 of Unit 29



Math- -Pg 336 1-14   

               -SS 23   


Science-  Log-in to Google Classroom to complete Part 1 of your assignment:

  1. Read through the Heat slideshow, watch the video, and complete the “Heat Questions” form.

  2. Read pg 1 of your Heat packet, titled “Heat Production” (in your materials that were dropped off) and answer questions #1-5.


Social Studies-Share 1 interesting fact that you learned from each section (A, B, C and D) of Lesson 3 in your hardcover book (this lesson can be found throughout Pages 84 - 91) on our Social Studies Google Classroom Page. *Important: If for some reason you are not able to share your 4 interesting facts from Lesson 3 on the Google Classroom page, please record your facts in the Social Studies section of your Notebook.

· Continue to study your Northeast Region Map

· Practice with your Northeast Region State and Capital Flashcards

*Enrichment/Additional Practice (Optional): You can also practice with your states and capitals using the “Stack the States” app if you have access to this app.



ELA-1.Rewrite each of these sentences correctly:

  1.  will you go over their and get the ball i through 

  2. how many days til the weekend asked jacob


2. Log-in to Google Classroom to complete your Language Review assignment.

3. Read and complete pgs. 196 and 197 in your Grammar Book. When you have completed the pages, you can click on the video link posted in Google Classroom to check your answers!


Vocabulary-Complete pg 122.  You can log-in to Google Classroom to see a video if you’d like to check your answers. 


Reading-Complete Worksheet Pg. 107 in your new Review and Study Skills Packet (The title at the top is: Character – The title of the passage is: Paul Bunyan Travels the Country – #s1-5)

- Please share some information with us about your March Fantasy Book Report! Please share the title and author of the book that you read, your favorite character, your favorite part, what makes your book a fantasy book and how many stars you would rate this book with us in our Reading Class on Google Classroom.

-Please start looking for a poem that you would like to focus on for your April Book Report – the directions for the April Poetry Book Report will be coming soon!


Spelling-Complete pgs 192 & 193 of Unit 29



Religion- In Google Classroom, answer questions from chapter nine.

-Go to www.blestarewe.  ch 9 and take a practice quiz.

-Pray the Stations of the Cross and color each station.


Catch-Up-Finish up any assignments you need to from this week


Virtual Field Trip-Expedition 33 Commander Suni Williams floats through the International Space Station and gives those of us stuck on Earth a tour of the laboratories, observation deck, the crew’s sleep quarters and more. It’s fascinating to see our planet down below from the observation deck and to find out what life is really like on the station. https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/main/suni_iss_tour.html?mod=article_inline


 Assignments You Can Complete Each Day!

  • 15 Minute Daily Writing Challenge-Directions and prompts are posted on Mrs. Kovatch’s blog!

  • Work on Khan Academy or Reflex for 15 minutes. Remember, you can use playing cards, dice, dominoes, Legos, etc, to practice math.  You can practice fractions, decimals, and all basic operations.

  • Read independently for 15 minutes. 

  • Color your Lenten Cross each day that you keep your Lenten promise.

  • Pray an Our Father or Hail Mary each day and add your intentions for all the people who need our prayers.  Don't forget to be grateful and thankful for all that you have.

  • Check-in on Seesaw and share what you are doing with your teachers and classmates!