Week of February 10th

Posted on Feb 10, 2020

Welcome back after a very busy weekend!  This week in reading we have started our new short story called The Lottery.  It is a very unusual story with a very grim ending.  The author Shirley Jackson wanted to catch the readers by surprise, almost like Lois Lowry in The Giver.  This week we will work on finding text evidence and discuss irony and allegory.  In language, we are working on adjectives, the wonderful describing words.  In vocabulary we will finish up Unit 7 and test on Tuesday, 2/11.  In writing, we are still working on our note cards for our Formal Book Analysis.  Last week we covered the EXPOSITION which had our setting and characters.  We also did our note cards for the INCITING INCIDENT and began the RISING ACTION.  After we put all the information on the note cards, the students transfer that information into a paragraph.  Beginning today, we are on paragraph # 16.  Please check in with your child...time management is important so this doesn't become too overwhelming.