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The safety of our students at all times is a primary concern for all at St. John Fisher. Established traffic patterns have been designed to facilitate the entry and dismissal of all students. Please follow these patterns at all times. There should be no drop-off or pick-up at or in the rectory driveway. There is NO PARKING around the perimeter of the school or rectory during school hours. No student should be on the parking lot before 7:45 a.m. on any school morning. Once on the school parking lot, students should immediately line up with their class in the area assigned to them. The students will wait for the bell and for their teacher to bring them into the building. Unless they have an appointment with a teacher or need to take a test in the library, students should not enter the building before the first bell. They must check in at the office before going to any classroom.

There is no parking in front of the church or school on the Washtenaw, Fairfield or 102nd Street sides of the building during regular school hours. Please also be careful not to park in front of the fire hydrants around the building.

Attention to the safety of each of our students at entry and dismissal times is important to our entire school community. Children who are exiting cars should not cross the street except at the corner.

Parents are responsible for the safety of the child traveling to and from school. The student safety patrol is present to monitor the safe conduct of students to and from school; however, there may be times due to circumstances beyond the control of the school, when a student from the safety patrol is not on duty at a crossing.

Because of allergies that some of the children have, if you walk the children to school and bring a dog, please be sure the dog is on a leash at all times. Because of traffic congestion and safety, children may not ride bikes to school unless they have special permission from the office.


St. John Fisher School is a secured building. Please do not enter the building after school has begun other than through the main office doors. All visitors to school must report to the school office and obtain a visitor’s pass. Our staff has been instructed to send visitors without a pass to the office. This pass must be returned to the school office before leaving the building. Children are instructed not to open doors to anyone.

Students are expected to be responsible and well prepared for class each day. Therefore, parents or guardians are not permitted to bring forgotten lunches, project materials, assignments, books, etc. to the school office.  
