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Grading Policies

Progress Reports and Report Cards

Strong communication between the home and school ensures the best educational environment for the student.  Regular communication with your child’s teacher is encouraged.  Parents will be aware of their child’s progress through report cards which are issued three (3) times each year, mid-trimester progress reports, and through formal and informal parent teacher conferences. 

St. John Fisher School also uses Powerschool, a data management system that provides parents of students in second through eighth grade continual online access to their child’s grades. Teachers will post grades for all routine homework, quizzes, class work, etc within one week of the assignment due date. Missing assignments will be indicated in a teacher’s grade book by 4:00 p.m. on the date due. Certain lengthier assignments will be posted within two weeks of the due date.  These would include major projects and writing assignments, and homework packets that comprise one- to two weeks of homework.   Grades are weighted by category and teachers will notify parents of the weighting at the start of the school year. 

Students in grades 6-8 also receive letter grades in some of their special classes; some special classes are graded Pass/Fail.  
Formal parent teacher conferences are planned for November.  At other times, meetings can be arranged when an appointment is made through the school office.  Teachers are available before and after school; however, to ensure appropriate time and preparation for the meeting, appointments are recommended. Because of their responsibility for each student in his or her class, unscheduled parent meetings are not encouraged. Questions to individual teachers can also be addressed through the school’s email system.

Please check the school’s website regularly.  Teachers’ individual blogs are updated weekly with important class information. 

Academic Policy for Fifth through Eighth Graders

**Modified age-appropriate versions of this policy are in place for students in grades K-4.

Academic Policies

St. John Fisher School prides itself on an exceptional academic program that encompasses not only the language arts, mathematics, social studies and science, but religious instruction in all areas of Catholic faith and practice.  To provide students with a very well-rounded academic experience, the curriculum also includes music, physical education, art, library and technology.  Hard work and academic achievement are expected of all students in all areas of instruction.  


The St. John Fisher grading scale is listed here.  There are many elements that compose grades in various classes.  They include tests, quizzes, homework, projects, and participation.  Homework is considered a necessary element in allowing students extra time to practice skills learned in school and learn self-motivation and the ability to work independently.  Failure to complete homework will not result in disciplinary measures, but will affect a student’s grade.  Homework assignments turned in one day late will lose up to half credit.  Beyond this time, no credit will be issued for late homework.  Students/Parents should not request extra credit at the end of a marking period to change a child's grade. Teachers will post Missing assignments and/or homework on Powerschool by 4:00 on the date due.  Parents are advised to check this regularly. 

99 - 100
79 – 82
95 - 98
77 – 78
93 - 94
75 – 76
91 - 92
71 – 74
87 – 90
69 – 70
85 - 86
Below 69
83 – 84


If a student demonstrates a pattern of missed homework the teacher will contact the parent to discuss the situation and ways to improve the student’s performance.  

St. John Fisher School has adopted a trimester system, in which report cards will be issued three times a year.  Additionally, student grades will be monitored by the school administration at the midpoint of each trimester.  Teachers of students in grades PreK-2 will communicate to parents any areas of concern in a timely manner.  In addition to report cards and progress reports, parents are encouraged to review tests, quizzes, graded assignments, and other papers that are sent home for parent signatures.  All of the above help the faculty and parents stay in close communication with one another and helps ensure the success of each student.  Parents are encouraged to communicate their concerns regarding student progress.

Honor Roll

An Honor Roll student at St. John Fisher School is held to the highest level of academic achievement and good behavior. St. John Fisher School will publish an Academic Honor Roll in the church bulletin at the end of each trimester for students in grades 5 – 8. Students are named to the Honor Roll based on the criteria listed here.

Honor Roll
Straight A
1st Honors
3.7 – 3.9
2nd Honors
3.0 – 3.6