Fridabella Alvarex 1st Grade
Posted on Nov 20, 2022
One of our school themes is “Fly Like a Falcon”. Falcons SOAR above, capturing an aerial view of what is going on below. We are encouraging our school community to “SOAR above” things that might bring us down, not allowing us to be our best selves and to be mindful of those around us who might need our help and support. We are on a school-wide crusade to “Fly Like a Falcon”, lifting one another up, celebrating the positive interactions, and kind behavior that our students and staff demonstrate each and every day. This week, we recognize Fridabella Alvarez, 1st grade. Fridabella has been making our school a better place since three year old preschool. She is so kind and has a gentle disposition. Frida leads by example and is a friend to all. She is always ready to learn and eager to help everyone around her. Thank you Fridabella for always making good choices and being someone we can all count on. You are leading us all in the right direction and you are making a difference! Keep “Flying Like a Falcon” Frida!